Corporate DNA explores what happens when managers think about and run their companies as if they were living things. An organic model is at the heart of the transformation of companies like AT&T and EDS, working to redesign the bureaucracies that they were built upon. This book addresses the frustrations felt among corporations by focusing on the role of the organizational models in the transformation process. The book's key perception is that the choice of a mechanical or organic model results in an organizations developing either mechanical or organic structures. Those structures, in turn, lead to certain types of behavior.

Corporate DNA provides tools with which managers can replace their old mechanical models with organic ones. Readers will discover how living things use information to create work; how they learn, develop, and govern themselves; and how prototype organic corporations such as 3M and Federal Express apply organic models to their operations.

Ken Baskin, Ph.D., is a consultant on communicating quality and culture change. In addition to his own public relations business, he has worked for the US Department of Energy, the New Jersey Department of Education, and Bell Atlantic, including speech writing for CEO Ray Smith. Ken leads workshops on ¦Creating Competitive Advantage in a Market Ecology¦ and ¦Using the Principles of DNA for Problem Solving,¦ among others.

chapter |8 pages


The Einstein Dilemma

part |57 pages

Market Ecologies

chapter |23 pages

The Dynamics of Chaotic Markets

How Market Ecologies Form

part |88 pages

The Organic Corporation

chapter |15 pages

Corporate Identity

The Image in the Mirrors

chapter |14 pages

Corporate DNA as Database

A Memory of Things to Come

chapter |13 pages

Corporate Nervous System

In Conversation with the World

chapter |23 pages

Structured to Grow

Organic Community Structure

part |46 pages

Organic Transformation

chapter |7 pages

You Can't Engineer a Butterfly

Change versus Transformation in Corporate Reinvention

chapter |12 pages

Components of the Bell Atlantic Way

A Tale of Mechanical Change

chapter |12 pages

Evolving a Learning Organization

Organic Transformation at Mercedes-Benz Credit Corporation

chapter |12 pages

A Deengineer's Handbook