Close analysis of the work of fifty major thinkers in the field of Eastern philosophy make this an excellent introduction to a fascinating area of study. The authors have drawn together thinkers from all the major Eastern philosophical traditions from the earliest times to the present day. The philosophers covered range from founder figures such as Zoroaster and Confucius to modern thinkers such as Fung Youlan and the present Dalai Lama. Introductions to major traditions and a glossary of key philosophical terms make this a comprehensive and accessible reference resource.

part 1|10 pages


part 2|52 pages

Islamic Philosophy

chapter |4 pages


chapter |6 pages

Muhammad the Prophet C.570–632 Ce

chapter |4 pages

Al-kindi C.812–c.873 Ce

chapter |6 pages

Al-farabi C.870–950 Ce

chapter |6 pages

Ibn Sina (avicenna) 980–1037 Ce

chapter |6 pages

Al-ghazali 1058/9–1111 Ce

chapter |7 pages

Ibn Rushd (averroes) 1126–1198 Ce

chapter |6 pages

Ibn Arabi

chapter |7 pages

Muhammad Iqbal 1876–1938 Ce

part 3|116 pages

Indian Philosophy

chapter |6 pages


chapter |5 pages

Vardhamana (mahavira) 599–527 Bce 1

chapter |6 pages

Patanjali Second Century Bce

chapter |8 pages

Badarayana Second Century Bce

chapter |8 pages

Nagarjuna about Second Century Ce

chapter |11 pages

Vasubandhu Fourth or Fifth Centuries Ce

chapter |6 pages


chapter |6 pages

Sankara C.788–c.820 Ce

chapter |6 pages

Ramanuja C.1016–1100(?) Ce

chapter |8 pages

Madhva C .1199–1278 Ce 1

chapter |9 pages

Vivekananda 1863–1902 Ce

chapter |9 pages

Sri Aurobindo 1872–1950 Ce

chapter |12 pages

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan 1888–1975 Ce

part 4|32 pages

Tibetan Philosophy

chapter |6 pages


chapter |8 pages

Padmasambhava Eighth Century Ce

chapter 28|10 pages

Milarepa 1052–1135 Ce

chapter |8 pages

Tsong Kha Pa 1357–1419 Ce

part 5|108 pages

Chinese Philosophy

chapter |6 pages


chapter |7 pages

Mozi (mo Tzu) Fifth Century Bce

chapter |6 pages

Zhuangzi (chuang Tzu) 369–286 Bce

chapter |5 pages

Hanfeizi (han Fei Tzu) C.280–233 Bce

chapter |7 pages

Xunzi (hsun Tzu) C.320–c.230 Bce

chapter |6 pages

Huineng (hui-Neng) 638–713 Ce

chapter |6 pages

Fazang [fa Tsang] 643–712 Ce

chapter |5 pages

Zhuxi [chu Hsi] 1130–1200 Ce

chapter |7 pages

Dai Zhen (tai Chen) 1724–1777 Ce

chapter |12 pages

Mao Zedong (mao Tse-Tung) 1893–1976 Ce

part 6|16 pages

Korean Philosophy

chapter |4 pages


chapter |5 pages

Chinul 1158–1210 CE

chapter |7 pages

Yi Yulgok 1536–1584 Ce

part 7|68 pages

Japanese Philosophy

chapter |4 pages


chapter |8 pages

Dogen Kigen 1200–1253 Ce

chapter |11 pages

Nichiren 1222–1282 Ce

chapter |10 pages

Bankei Yotaku 1622–1693 Ce

chapter |10 pages

Hakuin Ekaku 1685–1769 Ce

chapter |10 pages

Nishida Kitaro 1870–1945 Ce

chapter |8 pages

Suzuki Daisetz Teitaro 1870–1966 Ce

chapter |7 pages

Nishitani Keiji 1900–1991 Ce