The development of biotechnology has produced nothing short of a revolution, both in our capacity to manipulate living things from single plant cells to human nature itself, but also to manufacture brand new life forms. This power to shape and create forms of life has sometimes been described as the power to "play God" and this book is about the ethics of "playing God" in the field of biotechnology. International scholars cover moral dilemmas posed by biotechnology, from the smallest cells through animals to the engineering of human beings.

chapter |14 pages

Biotechnology and Agriculture

chapter |14 pages

The Moral Status of Extracorporeal Embryos

Pre-born children, property or something else

chapter |23 pages

Manipulation of the Germ-Line

Towards elimination of major infectious diseases?

chapter |22 pages

Who Owns MO?

Using historical entitlement theory to decide the ownership of human derived cell lines

chapter |23 pages

What ‘Bugs' Genetic Engineers about Bioethics

The consequences of genetic engineering as post-modern technology