This volume is a direct result of an international conference that brought together a number of scholars from Europe and the United States to discuss their ideas and research about cognitive and instructional processes in history and the social sciences. As such, it fills a major gap in the study of how people learn and reason in the context of particular subject matter domains and how instruction can be improved in order to facilitate better learning and reasoning. Previous cognitive work on subject matter learning has been focused primarily upon mathematics and physics; the present effort provides the first such venture examining the history and social science domains from a cognitive perspective.

The different sections of the book cover topics related to comprehension, learning, and instruction of history and the social sciences, including:

*the development of some social sciences concepts,

*the teaching of social sciences -- problems and questions arising from this cognitive perspective of learning,

*the comprehension and learning from historical texts,

*how people and students understand historical causality and provide explanations of historical events, and

*the deduction processes involved in reasoning about social sciences contents.

This volume will be useful for primary and secondary school teachers and for cognitive and instructional researchers interested in problem solving and reasoning, text comprehension, domain-specific knowledge acquisition and concept development.

chapter 1|14 pages


part I|114 pages

Cognitive Developmental Processes

chapter 5|20 pages

Dimensions of Adolescents Reasoning about Political and Historical Issues

Ontological Switches, Developmental Processes, And Situated Learning

chapter |6 pages

Discussion of Chapters 2–5

Cognitive Development and Representation Processes in the Understanding of Social and Historical Concepts

part II|105 pages

Teaching and Instructional Processes in History

chapter 6|28 pages

Learning to Reason in History

Mindlessness to Mindfulness

chapter 7|27 pages

Understanding History for Teaching

A Study of the Historical Understanding of Prospective Teachers

chapter |13 pages

Discussion of Chapters 6–9

What do People Consume History for? (If they do): Learning History as a Process of Knowledge Consumption and Construction of Meaning

part III|86 pages

Learning From History and Social Sciences Texts

part IV|123 pages

Complex Processes in History and Social Sciences

chapter 13|16 pages

Struggling with the Past

Some Dynamics of Historical Representation

chapter 14|17 pages

(Re-)Constructing History and Moral Judgment

On Relationships between Interpretations of the Past and Perceptions of the Present

chapter 15|20 pages

Historical Knowledge

Cognitive and Instructional Implications

chapter 17|27 pages

The Collapse of the Soviet Union

A Case Study in Causal Reasoning