This volume is intended for students who desire a practical introduction to the use of language in daily and professional life. It may be used either as part of a course or as an aid to independent study. Readers will find that concepts relating to language and discourse are highlighted in the text, explained clearly, illuminated through examples and practice exercises, and defined in the "Glossary/Index" at the back of the book.

Divided into two parts, this text presents an introduction to the elements and practice of discourse analysis in general, as well as an introduction to the actual kinds of discourse crucial to personal and professional life. In Part I, examples and practice exercises are used which make use of a variety of genres common in daily and professional life. Genres included are advertising, biography, travel guide, news clipping, prose fiction, students' writing, telephone conversation, poetry, police-suspect interview, face-to-face conversation, war cry, political speech, medical text, legislation, textbook, discourse of the mentally disturbed, and detective fiction among others. Wherever feasible, authentic examples are used. Part II of the book applies the principles and techniques of Part I to an investigation of discourse in daily use. Chapters include discourse in education, medicine, law, the media, and literature. Not only will these be of particular interest to students planning to enter any of these professions, but will also be of general interest, since all of us encounter them in daily life. As a result, this is a very practical book.

part 1|192 pages

The Process of Discourse

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to Part I

The Elements of Discourse

chapter 1|97 pages

The Context of Discourse

chapter 2|89 pages

The Language of Discourse

chapter |2 pages

Conclusion to Part I

The Acceplability of Discourse: Genre and Register

part II|177 pages

Discourse in Use

chapter |2 pages

Introduction to Part II

From Process to Product

chapter 3|34 pages

The Discourse of Education

chapter 4|34 pages

The Discourse Of Medicine

chapter 5|42 pages

The Discourse of Law

chapter 6|30 pages

The Discourse Of News Media

chapter 7|30 pages

The Discourse of Literature

chapter |3 pages

Conclusion to Part II

The Power of Discourse