Witchcraft and magical beliefs have captivated historians and artists for millennia, and stimulated an extraordinary amount of research among scholars in a wide range of disciplines. This new collection, from the editor of the highly acclaimed 1992 set, Articles on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology, extends the earlier volumes by bringing together the most important articles of the past twenty years and covering the profound changes in scholarly perspective over the past two decades. Featuring thematically organized papers from a broad spectrum of publications, the volumes in this set encompass the key issues and approaches to witchcraft research in fields such as gender studies, anthropology, sociology, literature, history, psychology, and law. This new collection provides students and researchers with an invaluable resource, comprising the most important and influential discussions on this topic. A useful introductory essay written by the editor precedes each volume.

chapter 1|14 pages

On Studying Witchcraft As Women's History

A Historiography of the European Witch Persecutions

chapter 2|25 pages

International Trends: The Witch “She'VThe Historian “He” :

Gender and the Historiography of the European Witch-Hunts

chapter 7|34 pages

Women: Witnesses and Witches *

chapter 20|24 pages

Witches as devils' concubines

On the Origin of Fear of Witches and Protection Against Witchcraft

chapter 21|12 pages

Witch or Saint

Absolutes in the French 18th Century Novel