This engaging text examines issues in education and curriculum theory from multiple critical perspectives. Students are encouraged to look at education from the "inside" (the complex processes, methods and relations that operate within schools) and from the "outside" (the larger social, economic, and political forces that have affected schools over time). Each essay begins with "Guiding Questions" and concludes with "Questions for Discussion," "Teachers as Researchers" activities, and "Suggested Readings."

chapter |20 pages


Turning the Study of Education Inside/Out

chapter |16 pages

Deconstruction and Nothingness

Some Cross-Cultural Lessons on Teaching Comparative World Civilization

chapter |24 pages

Antiracist Pedagogy in a College Classroom

Mutual Recognition and a Logic of Paradox

chapter |12 pages

Enticing Challenges

An Introduction to Foucault and Educational Discourses

chapter |17 pages

From the Margin to the Center

Teachers's Emerging Voices through Inquiry

chapter |16 pages

Margins of Exclusion, Margins of Transformation

The Place of Women in Education

chapter |18 pages

Margaret A. Haley, 1861–1939

A Timeless Mentor for Teachers as Leaders

chapter |8 pages

Solitary Spaces

Women, Teaching, and Curriculum

chapter |16 pages

The Practice of Freedom

A Historical Analysis of Critical Perspectives in the Social Foundations

chapter |26 pages

Resisting Racial Awareness

How Teachers Understand the Social Order from Their Racial, Gender, and Social Class Locations