Sex addiction is on the increase - in the media as well as in the therapy room. But while more and more people seek help for their compulsive sexual behaviours, there is still confusion and debate about whether the condition even exists. 

Understanding and Treating Sex Addiction explains why an increasing number of people are inadvertently finding their lives devastated by their sexual behaviours. It explores the latest scientific understandings and research into why pornography, cyber sex, visiting sex workers, fetishes and multiple affairs can come to control some people’s lives to the point that they can’t stop. It explains how sex addiction is not a moral issue, as some assume, but a health issue that we as a society need to start taking seriously. Throughout the book are the revealing statistics from the UK’s latest survey on sex addiction. Three hundred and fifty people who struggle with this condition have bravely and candidly shared their experience for the benefit of their fellow sufferers and those who choose to help them.  

This book contains support and advice for both the clinician and for those who suffer from sex addiction. As well as practical guidance and techniques for stopping compulsive behaviours and preventing relapse, there is also a thorough exploration of the deeper underlying causes and how these must be addressed.

chapter |2 pages


part |2 pages

Part I Understanding sex addiction

chapter 1|13 pages

Defining sex addiction

chapter 2|15 pages

Assessment and diagnosis

chapter 3|17 pages

How sex addiction starts

chapter 4|11 pages

How addiction is maintained and reinforced

chapter 5|16 pages

The partner’s perspective

part |2 pages

Part II Breaking the chains of addiction

chapter 6|12 pages

Treatment objectives and options

chapter 7|12 pages

Making a commitment to recovery

chapter 8|15 pages

Understanding the cycle of addiction

part |2 pages

Part III Establishing relapse prevention strategies for life

chapter 10|13 pages

Avoiding and managing triggers

chapter 11|11 pages

Creating healthy couple relationships

chapter 12|9 pages

Satisfying sexuality

chapter 13|14 pages

Developing a healthy lifestyle