This is a great book describing leaders (both good and bad) who either have accomplished amazing feats or who brought destruction or death to scores of people. Although the goals of these individuals were often quite different, the leadership processes they used were frequently similar. The book also includes an introductory chapter explaining the latest theories of leadership. Each snapshot will add an important “reality check” to the theories and models described in most introductory leadership textbooks, making this an important supplement for students taking leadership courses. Leaders from various disciplines, historical, religious, political, sports, and business, are included, as well as leaders from around the world. Each chapter ends with a discussion of theories of leadership pertaining to that leader, and questions for discussion.

part |2 pages

Part I Th eoretical Basis of Leadership

chapter 1|30 pages

Th eories of Leadership

part |2 pages

Part II Snapshots of Great Leadership

chapter 4|6 pages

Ernest Shackleton Antarctic Explorer

chapter 5|5 pages

Mother Teresa Servant of the Poor

chapter 7|5 pages

Pat Summitt Women’s Basketball Coach

chapter 10|6 pages

Geronimo Apache Native American War Leader

chapter 12|6 pages

Vince Lombardi Professional Football Coach

chapter 15|7 pages

Nicolas Hayek Swiss Watch Executive

chapter 16|8 pages

César Chávez American Labor Leader

chapter 19|8 pages

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Creator and CEO

chapter 24|11 pages

Sitting Bull Sioux War Chief

chapter 25|5 pages

Indra Nooyi CEO of PepsiCo Inc

part |2 pages

Part III Snapshots of Bad Leadership

chapter 28|8 pages

Albert Dunlap Corporate Executive

chapter 30|8 pages

David Koresh Religious Cult Leader

chapter 31|9 pages

Kenneth Lay CEO of Enron Corporation