Turkey and Malaysia, two countries on the Islamic periphery, are often not included in discussions of Islamic reassertion and identity. Yet both have been at the forefront of modernization and development, and are exposed to a rising trend of Islamic revival which discloses a deep, psychological identity crisis.

In Islamic Identity and Development, Ozay Mehmet examines this identity crisis in the wider context of the Islamic dilemma of reconciling nationalism with Islam. He sees the Islamic revival primarily as a protest movement, concentrated among urban migrant settlements where uneven post-war growth has upset the traditional Islamic order. He argues that Islamic societies must move towards greater openness and an organic relationship between rulers and ruled. In particular, Mehmet suggests the need for a public policy that is not only responsive to material human needs but which also satisfies the ethical preconditions of the Islamic social contract.

chapter |6 pages


part |23 pages

The Islamic identity crisis

chapter |21 pages

Identity crisis in the Islamic Periphery

Turkey and Malaysia

part |64 pages

The Islamic dilemma

chapter |18 pages

Islamic underdevelopment

Cause and response

chapter |23 pages

The Islamic social contract

The quest for social justice and the problem of legislation

chapter |19 pages

Islam and economic development

The problem of compatibility

part |74 pages

Development in the Islamic Periphery

chapter |27 pages

Nationalism confronts Islam

The modernization debate in Malaysia and Turkey

chapter |24 pages

Turkish etatism

Creation of a non-competitive economy

chapter |19 pages

Malaysian development by trusteeship

The broken trust

part |48 pages

Development in the Islamic Periphery

chapter |17 pages

Islam, the modern state and imperfect competition

To ban or to regulate?

chapter |13 pages

Privatizing the Malaysian economy

Transition from a national to a market ideology

part |17 pages


chapter |15 pages

Responsible development in the Islamic Periphery

Regulation, competition and public policy