In America's "Failing" Schools, W. James Popham provides parents and teachers explanations of No Child Left Behind as a whole, walking them through the implications for standardized testing in particular, in language that is uncomplicated and straightforward. Popham offers definitions of the law and its key terms, explanations of what it really means when a school is labeled "failing," and concrete suggestions for what can be done in response.

part |2 pages

PART I The No Child Left Behind Act

part |2 pages

PART II Educational Tests: The Heart of the Matter

chapter 4|12 pages

Some Nuts and Bolts of Educational Testing

chapter 5|14 pages

Measuring Temperature with a Tablespoon

chapter 6|8 pages

Today’s Standards-Based Tests

part |2 pages

PART III Evaluating Schools

chapter 8|8 pages

The Evidence Needed to Evaluate Schools

chapter 9|13 pages

Student Affect

chapter 10|16 pages

Determining a Particular School’s Quality