In the first full-length study of Shakespeare's Roman plays, Coppélia Kahn brings to these texts a startling, critical perspective which interrogates the gender ideologies lurking behind 'Roman virtue'.
Plays featured include:
* Titus Andronicus
* Julius Caesar

* Antony and Cleopatra
* Coriolanus
* Cymbeline
Setting the Roman works in the dual context of the popular theatre and Renaissance humanism, the author identifies new sources which she analyzes from a historicised feminist perspective.
Roman Shakespeare is written in an accessible style and will appeal to scholars and students of Shakespeare and those interested in feminist theory, as well as classicists.

chapter 1|26 pages

Roman Virtue on English Stages

chapter 5|34 pages

Antony's Wound

chapter 6|16 pages

Mother of Battles

Volumnia and her son in Coriolanus

chapter 7|11 pages


Cymbeline: paying tribute to Rome