Rethinking the Welfare State offers a comprehensive and comparative analysis of social welfare policy in an international context, with a particular emphasis on the US and Canada.

The authors investigate the claim that a decentralized delivery of government supported goods and services enables policy objectives to be achieved in a more innovative and efficient way, but at a lower cost. Secondly they examine the effectiveness of the voucher system as a solution to problematic welfare concerns. While this system has shown much promise in improving welfare, there have been problems for institutions unable to attract enough voucher-assisted consumers to ensure their survival.

In this context, the authors examine major social programmes such as food stamps, primary and secondary education, post-secondary education, labour market training, childcare, healthcare, legal aid, low-income housing, long-term care and pensions.

chapter |12 pages


chapter |28 pages

The case for vouchers

chapter |18 pages

Food statmps

chapter |19 pages

Low-income housing

chapter |24 pages

Legal aid

chapter |26 pages

Health care

chapter |17 pages

Early childhood education

chapter |21 pages

Post-secondary education

chapter |24 pages

Labour market training

chapter |13 pages
