Appeasement is a controversial strategy of conflict management and resolution in world politics. Its reputation is sullied by foreign policy failures ending in war or defeat in which the appeasing state suffers diplomatic and military losses by making costly concessions to other states. Britain’s appeasement policies toward Germany, Italy, and Japan in the 1930s are perhaps the most notorious examples of the patterns of failure associated with this strategy. Is appeasement’s reputation deserved or is this strategy simply misunderstood and perhaps improperly applied?

Role theory offers a general theoretical solution to the appeasement puzzle that addresses these questions, and the answers should be interesting to political scientists, historians, students, and practitioners of cooperation and conflict strategies in world politics. As a social-psychological theory of human behavior, role theory has the capacity to unite the insights of various existing theories of agency and structure in the domain of world politics. Demonstrating this claim is the methodological aim in this book and its main contribution to breaking new ground in international relations theory.

part I|42 pages

Role Theory: The Puzzle of Britain's Appeasement Decisions in the 1930s

part II|72 pages

Role Demands: Substantive Rationality and Structural Adaptation

part III|58 pages

Role Conceptions: Bounded Rationality and Experiential Learning

chapter 9|20 pages

Turning Points for Peace

The Anschluss and the Sudeten Crisis in 1938

chapter 10|19 pages

Turning Points for War

The Prague Coup and the Polish Crisis in 1939

part IV|22 pages

Role Enactments: Communicative Rationality and Altercasting

chapter 12|9 pages

Crossing Simon's Bridge

Is Binary Role Theory a Theory of Everything?