Ideas and practices concerning sleep and night-time are constantly changing and widely varied in different cultures and societies. What we do during the day and night is the result of much political struggle. Trade unions, political parties, entrepreneurs, leaders and schools boards, all have an interest in questions of timing for the opening and closing of shops, the starting hours of schools and factories, and the number of hours people have to work and sleep. By drawing together comparative case studies from countries in both Asia and Europe, Night-time and Sleep in Asia and the West allows the reader to track the differences in the cultural importance given to the night, and to compare the ways in which the challenges and opportunities of modernity have been played out in the East and the West.

chapter 1|23 pages


Into the night and the world of sleep

chapter 3|20 pages

Discourse of mid-day napping

A political windsock in contemporary China

chapter 5|21 pages

Sleep without a home

The embedment of sleep in the lives of the rough-sleeping homeless in Amsterdam

chapter 6|19 pages

Sleep and night-time combat in contemporary armed forces

Technology, knowledge and the enhancement of the soldier's body

chapter 7|22 pages

‘The Mirk Shades O'Nicht'

Nocturnal representations of urban Scotland in the nineteenth century

chapter 8|22 pages

Night-time and deviant behaviour

The changing night scene of Japanese youth

chapter 9|20 pages

Between day and night

Urban time schedules in Bombay and other cities

chapter 10|24 pages

‘What Time Do You Call This?'

Change and continuity in the politics of the city night