In recent years, the process and outlet for public speaking has grown with digital progressions such as TED talks and Facebook Live. Purposeful Communication in a Digital Age, 2nd Edition, provides a practical, step-by-step approach to developing and delivering effective speeches. Offering supplementary articles, case studies, and interviews with key leaders within the text and online, this is an all-in-one resource for the traditional, online, or hybrid classroom. The new edition devotes focus to presenting in the digital world, addressing both traditional and contemporary forms of presentation, and specifically directs students on seeking out credible sources when conducting research. Its eResource features video speech examples, classroom exercises, an instructor manual, and a quiz bank.

chapter 1|31 pages

Communicating Clearly

chapter 2|28 pages

A Podium and a Purpose

chapter 3|22 pages

Analyzing the Crowd

chapter 4|19 pages

Speech Anxiety

chapter 5|22 pages

Supporting Your Speech

chapter 6|19 pages

The Introduction and Conclusion

chapter 7|21 pages

Preparing the Content of Your Speech

chapter 8|16 pages

The Informative Speech

chapter 9|24 pages

The Persuasive Speech

chapter 10|23 pages

Speaking Online

chapter 11|11 pages

Technology Works for You