First published in 1997. There was a time when pollution was equated with the urban and the industrial. But things have changed. What were previously mutually exclusive cat­egories of "agriculture" and "pollution" have been brought together in a new, morally charged atmosphere. Moralizing the environment is a study of how this shift came about. It examines the emergence of the farm pollution problem in Britain in the 1980s. It draws upon a study of the regulation of farm wastes - cattle slurry, silage effluent and the dirty water from farmyards - conducted between 1989 and 1995. Detailed surveys and ethnographic fieldwork were carried out in the south-west of England among dairy farmers, pol­lution inspectors, agricultural advisers and environmentalists. In trying to get to grips with farm pollution they were pursuing different notions not only of sound agricultural practice but also of nature, morality and the law. What ultimately was at stake was who could be trusted to safeguard the countryside.

chapter Chapter One|17 pages

Moralizing the environment: understanding farm pollution

chapter Chapter Two|21 pages

Changing dairy farming and the pollution problem

chapter Chapter Three|21 pages

Farm pollution as a non-issue

chapter Chapter Four|28 pages

The politicization of farm pollution

chapter Chapter Five|31 pages

The Pollution Inspectors' accounts of farm pollution

chapter Chapter Six|26 pages

The dairy farmers' accounts of farm pollution

chapter Chapter Seven|46 pages

Pollution control and social networks

chapter Chapter Eight|18 pages

Conclusions: constructing moral orders