An exceptional opportunity is being missed. A chance to alleviate suffering and to achieve health care cost reductions for society is available, but is being ignored. There is an explosion of new knowledge about the emotional and intellectual development of children, and the causes and treatment of psychiatric disorders of children and adolescents. Research from diverse disciplines such as the developmental neurosciences, psychoanalysis, psychopharmacology, developmental psychology, and genetics propels us forward,. However, the effects of this new knowledge reach children and adolscents slowly, or not at all. The long history of neglect of the mental health of children and adolescents is now exaggurated by sudden, disruptive economic and political influences on mental health services for children and adolescents in most countries.

Prevention and treatment of emotional and intellectual problems in childhood and adolescence have vastly improved, but utilization of these advantages lags behind. This disappointing incongruity stimulates a need to document our knowledge about these services and systems and to make it more broadly available. This is the primary aim of this new volume by a team of distinguished contributors. It reviews the causes and prevalences of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents, the problem of health care financing for these services, the underutilization of these services, our current understanding of the outcomes of treatment, and the new models for both treatment and prevention. The book also provides a survey of current mental health services and sytems for children and adolescents in countries across the world.

Information drawn from these multiple perspectives is has been used by a group of international experts to develop the Venice Declaration, providing specific guidelines for families, clinicians, administrators, and policy-makers who are concerned with the development of children and adolescents, and are committed to a more efficient economic approach to mental health services.

part |25 pages

The Genesis and Prevalence of Developmental Psychopathology

part |53 pages

The Costs of Developmental Psychopathology

chapter 3|13 pages

Trends in Cost Management for Healthcare Services

Managed Care in the 1990s

chapter 5|9 pages

Quality and Economics

The Concept of Equity in Times of Limited Resources

chapter 6|21 pages

A Shrewd Investment

The Economics of Mental Healthcare for Children and Adolescents

part |41 pages

The Utilization and Outcomes of Current Treatments for Developmental Psychopathology

part |119 pages

Models of Treatment and Preventive Interventions for Developmental Psychopathology

chapter 10|22 pages

The Mental Health System for Children and Adolescents

Issues in the Definition and Evaluation of Treatments and Services

chapter 12|16 pages

Treatment Outcomes

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

chapter 14|11 pages

A Framework for Preventive Intervention

Parental Awareness of Developmental Problems and Early Diagnosis in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

chapter 15|8 pages

The Mental Health Team in the Daycare Center

The Role of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

chapter 19|5 pages

Designing Mental Healthcare Systems

Implications for the Training of Future Clinicians

part |151 pages

International Models of Mental Health Systems for Children and Adolescents

chapter 24|4 pages

International Perspectives on the Economics of Mental Healthcare for Children and Adolescents

Economic Policies and the Swedish Experience

chapter 25|10 pages

Mental Health Reform

The Israeli Experience

chapter 26|16 pages

Managed Care

How Is It Managing in the United States?

chapter 32|8 pages

Transitions for Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents

The Polish Experience

part |45 pages


part |22 pages

Recommendations of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP)

chapter 35|17 pages

Mental Health Services and Systems for Children and Adolescents

The Venice International Working Group and the Executive Committee of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

chapter |2 pages

Declaration of Venice

Principles for Organizing Mental Health Systems for Children and Adolescents (1996)