The Child Survivor is a clinically rich, comprehensive overview of the treatment of children and adolescents who have developed dissociative symptoms in response to ongoing developmental trauma. Joyanna Silberg, a widely respected authority in the field, uses case examples to illustrate hard-to-manage clinical dilemmas such as children presenting with rage reactions, amnesia, and dissociative shut-down. These behaviors are often survival strategies, and in The Child Survivor practitioners will find practical management tools that are backed up by recent scientific advances in neurobiology. Clinicians on the front lines of treatment will come away from the book with an arsenal of therapeutic techniques that they can put into practice right away, limiting the need for restrictive hospitalizations or out-of-home placements for their young clients.

chapter 1|13 pages

Trauma and Its Effects

chapter 3|7 pages

Diagnostic Considerations

chapter 4|17 pages

Assessing Dissociative Processes

chapter 5|7 pages

Beginning the Treatment Journey

chapter 15|13 pages

Integration of Self: Toward a Healing Future