Taking a sociocultural and educational approach, Language and Linguistics in Context: Readings and Applications for Teachers:

*introduces basic linguistic concepts and current perspectives on language acquisition;

*considers the role of linguistic change (especially in English) in the politics of language;

*acknowledges the role of linguists in current policies involving language;

*offers insights into the relationship between the structure of language systems and first- and second-language acquisition; the study of language across culture, class, race, gender, and ethnicity; and between language study and literacy and education; and

*provides readers with a basis for understanding current educational debates about bilingual education, non-standard dialects, English only movements, literacy methodologies, and generally the importance to teaching of the study of language.  
The text is organized into three thematic units – "What is Language and How is It Acquired?"; "How Does Language Change?";  and "What is Literacy?". To achieve both breadth and depth – that is, to provide a “big picture” view of basic linguistics and at the same time make it specific enough for the beginner – a selection of readings, including personal language narratives, is provided to both introduce and clarify linguistic concepts. The readings, by well-known theoretical and applied linguists and researchers from various disciplines, are diverse in level and range of topics and vary in level of linguistic formalism.
Pedagogical features: This text is designed for a range of courses in English and language arts, bilingualism, applied linguistics, and ESL courses in teacher education programs. Each unit contains a substantive introduction to the topic, followed by the readings. Each reading concludes with Questions to Think About including one Extending Your Understanding question, and a short list of Terms to Define. Each unit ends with additional Extending Your Understanding and Making Connections activities that engage readers in applying what they have read to teaching and suggested projects and a bibliography of Print and Web Resources. The readings and apparatus are arranged so that the material can be modified to fit many course plans and schemes of presentation. To help individual instructors make the most effective use of the text in specific classes, a set of matrixes is provided suggesting configurations of readings for different types of linguistics and education classes.

part I|125 pages

What is Language and How is it Acquired?

chapter |10 pages

Introduction to Unit I

Language and Its Acquisition

chapter 8|6 pages

Russian as a Second Language

chapter 9|3 pages

Language and Shame

chapter 11|8 pages

Sociolinguistics and Power

part II|103 pages

How does Language Change?

chapter |8 pages

Introduction to Unit II

The History of English and Language Change

chapter 12|5 pages

Language Families

chapter 13|5 pages

Where did English Come from?

chapter 14|3 pages

The Norman Conquest

chapter 15|16 pages

People and Language 1

chapter 16|5 pages

Queen's English

chapter 17|7 pages

The New Linguistic Order

chapter 19|6 pages

Ebonic Need not be English

chapter 21|12 pages

Gender Issues in Language Change

part III|169 pages

What is Literacy?

chapter |10 pages

Introduction to Unit III

Literacy and Education in a Globalized World

chapter 24|8 pages

What is Literacy?

chapter 33|12 pages

Class Talk