This study first examines the marginal repertoire in two well-known manuscripts, the Psalter of Guy de Dampierre and an Arthurian Romance, within their material and codicological contexts. This repertoire then provides a template for an extended study of the marginal motifs that appear in eighteen related manuscripts, which range from a Bible to illustrated versions of the encyclopedias of Vincent de Beauvais and Brunetto Latini. Considering the manuscript as a whole work of art, the marginalia’s physical relationship to nearby texts and images can shed light on the reception of these illuminated books by their medieval viewers.

chapter 1|19 pages


chapter 2|24 pages

Ars Profana in Cistercian Tomes

chapter 3|34 pages

Luxury Psalters by the Dampierre Group

chapter 4|32 pages

Re-Reading the BnF-Yale Romance

chapter 5|32 pages

Treasured Collections

chapter 6|26 pages

Opening Books, Underlining Authorities

chapter 7|6 pages
