This collection of essays demonstrates how novels are not only comparable, but often superior to the case histories used in business education. As many novelists have had personal experience of working in organizations, their work combines introspective insight with analytical skill.

chapter |16 pages


Management Beyond Case and Cliché

chapter |20 pages

Docteur Clérambault in Zola's Paradise

Notes on Naturalist Studies of Passion in Organizations

chapter |28 pages

Don Quixote and Capitalism in Poland

On the Cultural Context of Organising

chapter |29 pages

On Evil Organizations and Illusory Reforms

A Scandinavian Saga

chapter |23 pages

England Expects

Prosperity, Propriety and Mr. Polly

chapter |16 pages

The Merchant and the Preacher

As Pictured by Multatuli's Max Havelaar (1860)

chapter |21 pages

Capitalism, Order and Oral Value:

Joseph Conrad's Nostromo

chapter |24 pages

From Escapism to Resented Conformity

Market Economies and Modern Organizations in Spanish Literature

chapter |36 pages

Power, Time, Talk and Money

Organizations in Italian Literature

chapter |34 pages

The Man with All the Qualities:

Can Business, Science and the Arts Go Hand in Hand?

chapter |37 pages

The Gioconda Smile of Authorities

An Essay on Fictional Pictures of Public Administration and Citizens