First published in 1990. There was a time when most researchers believed that the only phenomena that counted in the social sciences were those that could be measured. To make that perfectly clear, they called any phenomenon they intended to study a 'variable', indicating that the phenomenon could vary in size, length, amount, or any other quantity. Unfortunately, not many phenomena in the human world comes naturally in quantities. If we cannot even give a useful answer to what qualitative analysis is and how it works, then it seems rather incongruent to try and involve a computer, the very essence of precision and orderliness. Isn't qualitative analysis a much too individualistic and flexible an activity to be supported by a computer? Won't a computer do exactly what qualitative researchers want to avoid, namely standardize the process? Won't it mechanize and rigidify qualitative analysis? The answer to these questions is NO, and this book explains why.

chapter 1|4 pages

What This Book Is About

chapter 2|3 pages

How to Read This Book

chapter 3|11 pages

History of Qualitative Research

chapter 4|12 pages

Qualitative Research in Sociology

chapter 5|10 pages

Qualitative Research in Psychology

chapter 6|11 pages

Qualitative Research in Education

chapter 7|21 pages

Types of Qualitative Research

chapter 8|26 pages

Types of Qualitative Analysis

chapter 11|12 pages

Organizing Systems and How to Develop Them

chapter 12|20 pages

Qualitative Analysis Programs (MS-DOS)

Basic Structures and Functions

chapter 13|9 pages

How to Deal With a Computer

chapter 15|17 pages

Text Retrievers

chapter 16|12 pages

Data Base Managers

chapter 17|12 pages


chapter 18|13 pages

Text Analysis Package (TAP)

chapter 19|14 pages


chapter 20|19 pages

The Ethnograph

chapter 21|16 pages

Textbase Alpha

chapter 22|12 pages


chapter |7 pages
