This book of expert essays explores the concept of the whole as it operates within the psychology of Jung, the philosophy of Deleuze, and selected areas of wider twentieth-century Western culture, which provided the context within which these two seminal thinkers worked.

Addressing this topic from a variety of perspectives and disciplines and with an eye to contemporary social, political, and environmental crises, the contributors aim to clarify some of the epistemological and ethical issues surrounding attempts, such as those of Jung and Deleuze, to think in terms of the whole, whether the whole in question is a particular bounded system (such as an organism, person, society, or ecosystem) or, most broadly, reality as a whole.

Jung, Deleuze, and the Problematic Whole will contribute to enhancing critical self-reflection among the many contemporary theorists and practitioners in whose work thinking in terms of the whole plays a significant role.

chapter Chapter 1|31 pages

The ethical ambivalence of holism

An exploration through the thought of Carl Jung and Gilles Deleuze

chapter Chapter 3|22 pages

Jung as symptomatologist

chapter Chapter 4|23 pages

One, two, three… one

The edusemiotic self

chapter Chapter 5|17 pages

The geometry of wholeness

chapter Chapter 7|26 pages

Holistic enchantment and eternal recurrence

Anaxagoras, Nietzsche, Deleuze, Klages, and Jung on the beauty of it all

chapter Chapter 8|16 pages

Holism and chance

Markets and meaning under neoliberalism