The rise of the Islamic State since 2014 has led to the re-emergence of terrorism as a serious security threat in Asia. Coupled with the ongoing terrorism and insurgency challenges from both radical religious extremists and also ethno-nationalist insurgencies, it is clear that some parts of Asia remain mired in armed rebellion despite decades of nation-building. While the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan has obviously deteriorated, there is also a growing terrorist challenge, on top of armed insurgencies, in other parts of Asia. A common theme in armed rebellions in the region has been the lack of legitimacy of the state and the presence of fundamental causes stemming from political, economic or social grievances. Addressing rebellion in the region thus requires a comprehensive approach involving transnational co-operation, addressing fundamental grievances, and also the use of more innovative approaches, such as religious rehabilitation and reconciliation programmes.


part |28 pages

Part 1

chapter 1|11 pages


part |88 pages

Part 2

chapter 4|13 pages

The long war


chapter 5|14 pages

Strategy on autopilot

Resolute support and the continuing failure of Western strategy in Afghanistan

chapter 6|14 pages

Pakistan’s terrorist challenge

part |74 pages

Part 3

chapter 9|14 pages

China’s Uyghur problem

118Terrorist acts and government responses

chapter 10|14 pages

Anti-state armed groups in Myanmar

Origins, evolution and implications

chapter 12|16 pages

Thailand’s restive south

Identity and neo-colonial resistance

chapter 13|14 pages

Terrorism in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore

Challenge and response

part |55 pages

Part 4