This book was originally published in 1998. Protection of Human Rights both at a regional and at an international level is now a major pre-occupation of International Law. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966 is probably the most important single universal human rights instrument of our time, which both sets standards and ensures compliance with them, through measures of implementation. More than 135 States have accepted the obligations imposed by this Covenant. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the provisions of the Optional Protocol, which enshrines the right of individual communication and the jurisprudence developed thereunder by the Human Rights Committee, which is the supervisory body of this treaty regime. It analyses the effectiveness of the committee in protecting the rights of individuals under the Optional Protocol.

The book will be of particular interest to scholars engaged in the teaching of and research in the international protection of human rights. It will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate law students. Practitioners in the international human rights field will also find it valuable. It should be of interest to international N.G.O.s and governmental officials engaged upon ensuring effective compliance with our international rights obligations.

chapter 1|15 pages


chapter 2|32 pages

The Human Rights Committee

chapter 4|41 pages

Inadmissibility ratione personae

chapter 5|15 pages

Inadmissibility ratione loci

chapter 6|21 pages

Inadmissibility ratione temporis

chapter 7|20 pages

Inadmissibility ratione materiae

chapter 12|44 pages

Fundamental procedural issues

chapter 13|27 pages

Final views of the Committee

chapter 14|31 pages


chapter 15|27 pages

Final remarks