The conception of modernity as a radical rupture from the past runs parallel to the conception of Europe as the primary locus of global history. The essays in this volume contest the temporal and spatial divisions—between past and present, modernity and tradition, and Europe’s progress and Asia’s stasis—which the conventional narrative of modernity creates. Drawing on early modern Chinese and Indian history and culture instead, the authors of the book explore the provenance of modernity beyond the west to see it in a transcultural and pluralistic light.

The central argument of this volume is that modernity does not have a singular core or essence—a causal centre. Its key features need to be disaggregated and new configurations and combinations imagined. By studying the Bhakti movement, Confucian democracy, and the maritime and agrarian economies of China and India, this book enlarges the terms of debate and revisits devalued terms and concepts like tradition, religion, authority, and rural as resources for modernity. 

This book will be of great interest to researchers and academicians working in the areas of history, Sociology, Cultural Studies, literature, geopolitics, South Asian and East Asian Studies.

part I|77 pages

Transcultural Asian modernities

chapter 3|18 pages

Connected histories

The Asian roots of the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions

chapter 4|18 pages

Dominant and counter-imaginaries

Analyzing India’s modernities

part II|63 pages

China and Southeast Asia

chapter 6|18 pages

Chinese maritime economy

Historical globalizing forces

chapter 7|21 pages

Southeast Asia in the fifteenth century

Early modern or what?

part III|87 pages


chapter 8|23 pages

Alternative modernities

The Odia Lakshmi Purana as radical pedagogy

chapter 10|18 pages

Before the great divergence

The early modern South Asian agrarian economy in a global perspective

chapter 11|17 pages

Revisiting the early modern merchant

Caste, power and the politics of transition

chapter 12|10 pages

Modernity as renewal mechanism

Alternative(s) to modernity in India