Originally published in 1948, The Medieval Foundations of England is a chronological framework of the history of ideas and action during the medieval period. The book discusses the fundamental problems of medieval life in England, examining the agricultural foundation of England, the impact of the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian civilizations, the feudalization of society, and the interpenetration of Anglo-Saxon and Norman civilizations. The book also examines the issues faced by the ‘New Monarchy’ of Henry II and the development of Parliament, it also examines how the intellectual Renaissance of the twelfth century affected medieval society. The book critically examines the historical sources of information and provides a reading list for each chapter.

chapter I|16 pages

The Sources of History Before 871

chapter II|19 pages

The Early Conquests and Settlements

chapter III|21 pages

The Conversion of England

chapter IV|20 pages

The Movement Towards Political Unity

chapter V|9 pages

The Sources of History, 871-1066

chapter VI|8 pages

The Invasions of The Northmen

chapter VII|9 pages

The Salvation of Wessex

chapter IX|6 pages

ST. Dunstan and the Revival of the Church

chapter X|5 pages

The Agricultural Foundation of England

chapter XI|9 pages

The Structure of Anglo-Saxon Society

chapter XIII|15 pages

The Last English Kings

chapter XV|7 pages

Church And Culture In The Eleventh Century

chapter XIX|19 pages

Administration under the Norman Monarchy

chapter XX|12 pages

The Lessons of Anarchy

chapter XXI|33 pages

The New Monarchy

chapter XXIII|10 pages

Administration Without the King

chapter XXIV|20 pages

The Circumscription of Monarchy

chapter XXVII|18 pages

The Medieval Parliaments of England