Ideals and Ideologies: A Reader is a comprehensive compilation of classic and contemporary readings representing all of the major "isms." It offers students a generous sampling of key thinkers in different ideological traditions and places them in their historical and political contexts. Used on its own or with Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal, the anthology accounts for the different ways people use ideology and conveys the continuing importance of ideas in politics.

New to this 11th Edition:

  • Alexander Keyssar, "Voter Suppression, Then and Now" (a distinguished historian traces the tawdry history of attempts, successful and unsuccessful, to disenfranchise voters).
  • Andrew Sullivan, "Democracies End When They Become Too Democratic" (an eminent conservative commentator and author argues that, under certain circumstances, democracies pose a danger to their very own existence).
  • Timothy Egan, "The Dumbed Down Democracy" (a prominent author and columnist argues that American democracy has been "dumbed down" due, in large part, to the absence of civic education in the public school curriculum).
  • Max Boot and David Brooks, "Conservatives Assess Trump" (two leading contemporary conservatives ponder the fundamental ideological problems the current president poses for the movement, and consider the ways in which Donald Trump is—and isn’t—a true conservative).
  • Eugene V. Debs, "Speech to the Conference for Progressive Political Action" (an early 20th-century American socialist and former presidential candidate articulates his vision for a new workers’ party that would challenge capitalism in the United States).
  • Robert Kagan, "This is How Fascism Comes to America" (a prominent neoconservative historian detects disturbing parallels between the rise of Donald Trump and that of various interwar fascists).
  • Erik Loomis, "A New Chapter in the Black Liberation Movement" (an American historian makes the case for Black Liberation with a particularly compelling case study: how prisoners (mainly black) work essentially as slaves in both public and for-profit prisons in the United States).
  • Black Lives Matter, "A Vision for Black Lives: Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice" (leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement set forth their basic ideological beliefs and public policy prescriptions).
  • Josephine Livingstone, "The Task Ahead for Feminism" (the author argues that much remains to be done after the #MeToo movement).

part 1|9 pages

The Concept of Ideology

chapter 1.1|7 pages

Ideology: The Career of a Concept

part 2|63 pages

The Democratic Ideal: Historical and Philosophical Foundations

chapter 2.2|2 pages

Democracy and Despotism

chapter 2.3|5 pages

Funeral Oration

chapter 2.6|6 pages

What Is a Republic?

chapter 2.8|8 pages

Democracy and Equality

chapter 2.10|4 pages

Voter Suppression, Then and Now

chapter 2.12|3 pages

The Dumbed Down Democracy

part 3|103 pages


chapter 3.14|15 pages

Toleration and Government

chapter 3.18|3 pages

Private Profit, Public Good

chapter 3.19|3 pages

Freedom and Enlightenment

chapter 3.20|7 pages

Liberty and Individuality

chapter 3.22|4 pages

Liberalism and Positive Freedom

chapter 3.23|7 pages

Commonwealth Club Address

chapter 3.25|6 pages

The Conscience of a Liberal

chapter 3.27|4 pages

Libertarian Anarchism

chapter 3.28|9 pages

A Libertarian Utopia

part 4|50 pages


chapter 4.30|4 pages

Conservatism as Reaction

chapter 4.31|9 pages

On Being Conservative

chapter 4.32|7 pages

Ten Conservative Principles

chapter 4.33|8 pages

Modern American Conservatism

chapter 4.34|4 pages

The Neoconservative Persuasion

chapter 4.35|6 pages

Conservatives Assess Trump

part 5|30 pages

Socialism and Communism: From More to Marx

chapter 5.36|7 pages


chapter 5.38|13 pages

The Communist Manifesto

chapter 5.39|2 pages

On the Materialist Conception of History

part 6|68 pages

Socialism and Communism after Marx

part 7|45 pages


chapter 7.48|7 pages

Civilization and Race

chapter 7.49|9 pages

The Doctrine of Fascism

chapter 7.50|6 pages

The Political Theory of Fascism

chapter 7.51|15 pages

Nation and Race

chapter 7.52|3 pages

This Is How Fascism Comes to America

part 8|91 pages

Liberation Ideologies and the Politics of Identity

chapter 8.54|4 pages

Race Matters

chapter 8.59|9 pages


chapter 8.60|6 pages

Feminism Is for Everybody

chapter 8.61|4 pages

The Task Ahead for Feminism

chapter 8.63|6 pages

On Liberation

chapter 8.64|6 pages

Liberation Theology

chapter 8.65|11 pages

All Animals Are Equal

part 9|46 pages

“Green” Politics: Ecology as Ideology

chapter 9.67|8 pages

Getting Along With Nature

chapter 9.68|7 pages

Feminism and the Mastery of Nature

chapter 9.69|8 pages

Whose Earth Is It, Anyway?

part 10|27 pages

Radical Islamism

chapter 10.71|5 pages

Signposts Along the Road

chapter 10.74|5 pages

Declaration of a Caliphate