This book advances a critical political economy approach to EdTech and analyses the economic, political and ideological structures and social power relations that shape the EdTech industries and drive EdTech’s development and diffusion.

Particular attention is paid to the integration of EdTech with some of the most contentious developments of our time, including platformization and data-veillance, the automation of work and labor, and globalization-imperialism.

By using a political economy of communication approach, this book will be of value to anyone interested in the current transformations of capitalism, the State, higher education and online learning in the digital age.

chapter 1|20 pages

For a Political Economy of EdTech

chapter 2|34 pages

Higher Education in a “Digital Age”

Capitalism, Neoliberalism and the University, Inc.

chapter 3|27 pages

Profiting on Higher Education

Platform Capitalism Is the Classroom

chapter 4|20 pages

Automating Higher Education

Taylorism and the Teaching Machines

chapter 5|18 pages

Globalizing Higher Education

Platform Imperialism

chapter 6|19 pages


A Pedagogy for Technological Citizenship, a Pedagogy for the Precariat Working Class