We know from experience and research that supervisory relationships can be immensely rewarding and developmental. Yet the same relationships can also be, and often are at the same time, highly anxiety-provoking and conflictual. Supervision as a developmental process is often mixed with quality assurance, performance reports, or marking and evaluation. Such processes only amplify the substantial power relationships that are part and parcel of supervision and they make engaging well with a supervisor really tough and challenging. This book helps supervisees to get the most out of supervision and reap the unique and substantial benefits that can indeed be found on this profound journey.

part I|32 pages

Starting the supervisory journey

chapter 1|5 pages

Why supervision?

chapter 3|12 pages

Learning in supervision

chapter 4|3 pages

Reflective assignment

part II|34 pages

Being on the supervisory journey

chapter 5|9 pages

The initial stage

chapter 6|11 pages

The middle stage

chapter 7|9 pages

The final stage

chapter 8|4 pages

The importance of writing in supervision

part III|57 pages

Understanding the supervisory journey

chapter 9|18 pages

The person

chapter 10|18 pages

The profession

chapter 11|15 pages

Links between person and profession