The community in which children are nursed; the family, should by all means be a safe haven. However, it is not. People in family relations are more likely to be threatened, hit, kicked, raped or beaten up. Such violence in the domestic circle conjures up a lot of questions. The authors have been engaged with this problematical issue for years and are now trying to make the dynamics of violence within the family more comprehensive. This book is a reflection of on their dialogue.

chapter Two|6 pages

Together you will progress

chapter Five|6 pages

Escalation and de-escalation

chapter Seven|18 pages

The coherence between shame and violence

chapter Eight|14 pages

Rituals of revenge

chapter Nine|18 pages

The reproduction of violence

chapter Eleven|24 pages

The therapist as a person

chapter Twelve|20 pages

Apprehensive heroes

chapter |6 pages
