This book presents a way to formulate, from several points of view, "Psychoanalysis as an encounter between two persons", and highlights the aspects of symmetry and affective exchange of this encounter where analysis is seen as a relationship between two minds. In this shared experience the study of the mind of the Analyst and of his method of work grows in importance as the source of benefits and misdirections which can be exchanged in the encounter with the patient. In this context, the patient has an active role as an attentive and sensitive observer of the Analyst, signaling errors and showing the road to be taken. This change in the concept of psychoanalysis has evolved through many years; from the Analyst acting to open the patient within himself, while at the same time struggling against his own resistance to change, to a vision of a "Couple at Work". Psychoanalysis is now a "shared experience", in which the listening and creating of internal space to the other, within the self, is the instrument and the journey.