This book assumes that it is no longer tenable to work in healthcare without considering the person as a whole being constituted by a rich weaving of mind, body, culture, family, spirit and ecology. The MindBody approach embraces this 'whole.' But how does it transform clinical practice and training for the clinician and treatment for the patient/client? The book collects together the experiences from a diverse range of clinical practitioners (including psychotherapy, specialist medicine, general practice, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, , nursing, and complementary and alternative medicine practitioners) who have deliberately chosen to integrate a MindBody philosophy and skill set in their clinical practices. All reflect deeply on their unique journeys in transforming their clinical encounters. Most have been trained in the dominant Western framework and have inherited the classical dualistic approach which typically keeps mind and body apart.

chapter 2|20 pages

The Kafka beetle goes off his food

chapter 3|16 pages

An intimate field

chapter 4|11 pages

Bodies in conversation

chapter 5|14 pages

The proof is in the pudding

chapter 9|13 pages

Touching the hurt

chapter 10|13 pages

Issues in the tissues

chapter 14|18 pages

Becoming an intimate lecturer

chapter 15|11 pages

Healing through talk and touch