This book introduces the reader and student to the unconscious mind, the hidden treasures and dangers it holds. It contains some very basic, useful, and empirically supported facts from depth psychology, which allows everyone access to deeply hidden aspects of themselves.

chapter TWO|21 pages

Neuroscience of the mind

chapter THREE|25 pages

The role of psychometrics in the study of the unconscious: what are your personal preferences in resolving stress, conflict, and ambiguity?

Screening your personality: the GHQ-30, FAY, WAI-84, heart rate exercise, and REM-71

chapter FIVE|19 pages

Creativity and the unconscious: the objective correlative and the presence/hermeneutic dialectic

How art preferences can reflect your unconscious mind

chapter SEVEN|20 pages

The royal road to the unconscious: dream analysis

When do dreams tell you something about yourself?