Emile Male's book aids understanding of medieval art and medieval symbolism, and of the vision of the world which presided over the building of the French cathedrals. It looks at French religious art in the Middle Ages, its forms, and especially the Eastern sources of sculptural iconography used in the cathedrals of France. Fully illustrated with many footnotes it acts as a useful guide for the student of Western culture.

part |26 pages

Religious Art of the Thirteenth Century in France

chapter II|34 pages

Method Used in the Study of Mediæval Iconography

The Mirrors of Vincent of Beauvais

part |37 pages

Book I

chapter |34 pages

The Mirror of Nature

part |34 pages

Book II

chapter |34 pages

The Mirror of Instruction

part |33 pages

Book III

chapter |34 pages

The Mirror of Morals

part |269 pages

Book IV

chapter I|34 pages

The Mirror of History. The old Testament

chapter II|26 pages

The Gospels

chapter III|65 pages

Apocryphal Stories; Old and New Testament

chapter 4|65 pages

The Saints And The Golden Legend

chapter 5|6 pages

Antiquity. Secular History

chapter |6 pages
