Congressman David Price proves he is uniquely qualified to guide us through the labyrinth of rules, roles, and representatives that is Congress. This third edition is thoroughly updated to cover developments over the past several years - the Bush presidency, consolidated Republican control of the White House and Congress, the plunge from budget surpluses to record deficits, and the "Bush revolution" in foreign policy. A new chapter has also been on defense and foreign affairs, emphasizing the author's own work on Middle East policy and Congress' handling of the war in Iraq. The reader gets a clear sense of the challenges, disappointments, elation, and deep concerns implicit in serving as a member of Congress-especially the kind of member David Price has chosen to be.

chapter 1|8 pages


chapter 2|20 pages

Getting Elected

chapter 3|34 pages

Defeat and Return

chapter 4|14 pages

Getting Adjusted

chapter 5|18 pages

Finding a Niche

chapter 6|40 pages

Policy Entrepreneurship

chapter 7|44 pages

Budget Politics

chapter 8|40 pages

Parties and Partisanship

chapter 9|36 pages

Foreign Policy and Defense

chapter 10|14 pages

Serving the District

chapter 11|18 pages

Religion and Politics

chapter 12|24 pages

Ethics Beyond the Rule Book

chapter 13|24 pages

Concluding Reflections