Music and Encounter at the Mediterranean Crossroads: A Sea of Voices explores the musical practices that circulate the Mediterranean Sea. Collectively, the authors relate this musical flow to broader transnational flows of people and power that generate complex encounters, bringing the diverse cultures of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East into new and challenging forms of contact. Individually, the chapters offer detailed ethnographic and historiographic studies of music’s multifaceted roles in such interactions. From collaborations between Moroccan migrant and Spanish Muslim convert musicians in Granada, to the incorporation of West African sonorities and Hasidic melodies in the musical liturgy of Abu Ghosh Abbey, Jerusalem, these communities sing, play, dance, listen, and record their diverse experiences of encounter at the Mediterranean crossroads.

chapter |19 pages


A Sea of Voices

chapter 1|19 pages

Voicing New Belongings

Composing Multilingual Songs in Italy's Refugee Reception Centers

chapter 2|18 pages

Morisco Prayer

Musical Hybridity and Historical Memory among Muslim Converts in Granada 1

chapter 3|18 pages

Tan Cerca, Tan Lejos (“So Close, So Far Away”)

Competence and Collaboration in Jalal Chekara's Flamenco Andalusí

chapter 4|16 pages

Brazilian Encounters

Beirut's “Golden Age,” Ziad Rahbani, and Lebanese Bossa Nova

chapter 6|16 pages

Beyond the Borrowing Paradigm

Lessons from the Muslim-Jewish Maghrib

chapter 7|27 pages

Teaching Andalousian Music at Rabat's Conservatoire de Musique Marocaine

Franco-Moroccan Collaborations under Colonialism

chapter 8|22 pages

Southern Subjectivities

Contemporary Art Music from the South of the Mediterranean

chapter 9|14 pages

Dynamics of Musical Diversity

Morocco and the Southern Shore of the Mediterranean

chapter 10|17 pages

Ensounding Exile

Yehuda Halevi and Israeli Musical Mediterraneanism

chapter 11|18 pages

Between Europe, the Middle East, and Africa

The Musical Repertoire of the French Benedictine Community of Abu Ghosh, Jerusalem

chapter 12|19 pages

Cycles of Encountering

Revisiting Robert Lachmann's Oriental Music Project in Mandatory Palestine 1