The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Cognition is an authoritative reference work that offers a well-balanced overview of current scholarship across the full breadth of the rapidly expanding field of creative cognition. It contains 43 chapters written by world-leading researchers, covering foundational issues and concepts as well as state-of-the-art research developments.

The handbook draws extensively on contemporary work exploring the cognitive representations and processes associated with creativity, whether studied in the laboratory or as it arises in real-world practice in domains such as education, art, science, entrepreneurship, design, and technological innovation. Chapters also examine the sociocognitive and cultural aspects of creativity in teams and organisations, while additionally capturing the latest research on the cognitive neuroscience of creativity.

Providing a compelling synopsis of emerging trends and debates in the field of creative cognition and positioning these in relation to established findings and theories, this text provides a clear sense of the way in which new research is challenging traditional viewpoints. It is an essential reading for researchers in the field of creative cognition as well as advanced students wishing to learn more about the latest developments in this important and rapidly growing area of enquiry.

part I|139 pages

Reflections on the Fundamental Contents and Mechanisms of Creative Cognition

chapter 3|14 pages

Constraints and Creativity

Classifying, Balancing, and Managing Constraints

chapter 5|15 pages

The Two Faces of Curiosity in Creative Cognition

Curiosity1, Curiosity2 (and Their Interaction)

chapter 6|15 pages

Thinking Wide and Narrow

A ‘Cultural Creative Cognition’ Approach to Possibility Thinking

chapter 8|18 pages

Creative Cognition

From Ideation to Innovation

part II|256 pages

Reflections on the Nature of Creative Cognition as Revealed through Traditional Methodologies

chapter 11|20 pages

Creatively Searching Through Semantic Memory Structure

A Short Integrative Review

chapter 13|16 pages


chapter 14|18 pages

Of Night and Light and the Half-Light 1

The Role of Multidimensions of Emotion and Tolerance of Uncertainty in Creative Flow

chapter 18|24 pages

Measuring Judgment and Decision-Making in Developmental Samples

Assessment of the Generation of Cognitively Sophisticated Responses and Implications for the Study of Creative Cognition

chapter 19|24 pages

The Phenomenology of Insight

The Aha! Experience

chapter 20|19 pages

Reconcilable Differences

Working Memory Capacity Both Supports and Hinders Insight

chapter 21|21 pages

Comparing Theoretical and Computational Models of Insight

Investigating Cognitive and Phenomenological Perspectives

chapter 22|25 pages

Collaborative Meta-Reasoning in Creative Contexts

Advancing an Understanding of Collaborative Monitoring and Control in Creative Teams

part III|136 pages

Reflections on the Nature of Creative Cognition as Revealed through Cognitive Neuroscience Approaches

chapter 27|16 pages

Markers of Insight

part IV|129 pages

Reflections on Creative Cognition from Pedagogical, Organisational, Archaeological and Post-Phenomenological Perspectives

chapter 30|16 pages

Creativity in Education

chapter 31|19 pages

Creative Learning

A Pedagogical Perspective

chapter 32|15 pages

Tool Use and Creativity

chapter 35|22 pages

Collaborative Creativity

Information-Driven Coordination Dynamics and Prediction in Movement and Musical Improvisation

chapter 36|16 pages

Common Creativity

part V|100 pages

Reflections on Creative Cognition in Domains Involving Creativity and Innovation

part VI|32 pages

Reflections on the Paradoxical Misalignment Between Findings that Derive from In Vivo Versus In Vitro Research on Creative Cognition

chapter 43|30 pages

A Quandary in the Study of Creativity

Conflicting Findings from Case Studies versus the Laboratory