Climate Change Temporalities explores how various timescales, timespans, intervals, rhythms, cycles, and changes in acceleration are at play in climate change discourses. It argues that nuanced, detailed, and specific understandings and concepts are required to handle the challenges of a climatically changed world, politically and socially as well as scientifically. Rather than reflecting abstractly on theories of temporality, this edited collection explores a variety of timescales and temporalities from narratives, experience, popular culture, and everyday life in addition to science and history - and the entanglements between them. The chapters are clustered into three main sections, exploring a range of genres, such as questionnaires, interviews, magazines, news media, television series, aquariums, and popular science books to critically examine how and where climate change understandings are formed. The book also includes chapters historising notions of climate and temporality by exploring scientific debates and practices.

Climate Change Temporalities will be of great interest to students and scholars of humanistic climate change research, environmental humanities, studies of temporality and historicity, cultural studies, cultural history, and popular culture.

part |14 pages


chapter 1|12 pages

Climate change temporalities

Narratives, genres, and tropes

part 1|54 pages

Vernacular notions of climate change temporality

chapter 2|15 pages

‘Where is global warming when you need it?’

The role of immediacy in vernacular constructions of climate change

chapter 3|17 pages

The great re-skilling

Understandings of generation, tradition, and nostalgia in everyday-life climate activism

chapter 4|20 pages

In the shadow of apocalyptic futures

Climate change as a cultural trope in vernacular discourse

part 2|54 pages

Mediating climate change temporality

chapter 5|18 pages

The extreme summer of 2018

Norwegian weather news and the politics of weatherlore

chapter 6|17 pages

The prophetic tone in True Detective

Sensing the time of the future climate disaster

chapter 7|17 pages

Advocating equilibrium

On climate change at public aquariums

part 3|54 pages

Cultural histories of climate change temporality

chapter 8|16 pages

The sixth extinction

Naming time in a new way

chapter 10|19 pages

Origin myths from the cultural historical archive of the Anthropocene

Vico, Burnet and the time of the deluge 1

part 4|8 pages


chapter 11|6 pages

Living the climate change