Managers responsible for spending public money in health and social welfare are facing unprecedented pressures to deliver better services against a background of fierce competition for resources, profound organizational change and the creation of internal market places. In this practically-directed book, William Bryans explains how business principles can be applied in the public service context to enable managers to meet this challenge. The author demonstrates how it is possible to create a surplus for service development by effective strategic management of external and internal financial environments, operational management of workloads and resources, and tactical intervention to limit budget fluctuations to tolerable levels. Each chapter includes a purpose statement, an outline of relevant theory and practice, a keypoint summary and a case study based on real world situations.

part 1|56 pages

part 2|66 pages

Synopsis—Operational management and tactical intervention

chapter 5|13 pages

Budget contracts

chapter 7|11 pages

Monitoring a budget

chapter 8|13 pages

Tactical intervention

chapter 9|14 pages


part 3|29 pages

Synopsis—Developing and measuring competence

chapter 10|10 pages

Performance management

chapter 11|8 pages

Performance and the budget manager

chapter 12|10 pages

Improving budget and business competences