This Compendium is a comprehensive reference manual containing an extensive selection of instruments developed to measure signs and symptoms commonly encountered in neurological conditions, both progressive and non-progressive. It provides a repository of established instruments, as well as newly-developed scales, and covers all aspects of the functional consequences of acquired brain impairment.

In particular, the text provides a detailed review of approximately 150 specialist instruments for the assessment of people with neurological conditions such as dementia, multiple sclerosis, stroke and traumatic brain injury. Part A presents scales examining body functions, including consciousness and orientation; general and specific cognitive functions; regulation of behaviour, thought, and emotion; and motor-sensory functions. Part B reviews scales of daily living activities and community participation. Part C focuses on contextual factors, specifically environmental issues, and Part D contains multidimensional and quality of life instruments.

Each instrument is described in a stand-alone report using a uniform format. A brief history of the instrument's development is provided, along with a description of item content and administration/scoring procedures. Psychometric properties are reviewed and a critical commentary is provided. Key references are cited and in most cases the actual scale is included, giving the reader easy access to the instrument. The structure of the book directly maps onto the taxonomy of the influential International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (World Health Organization, 2001), enabling linkage of clinical concepts across health conditions.

The Compendium will be a valuable reference for clinicians, researchers, educators, and graduate students, and a practical resource for those involved in the assessment of people with brain impairment.

The book is accompanied by a password protected website. For a one-off payment, purchasers of the book can gain online access to the majority of the tests, scales and questionnaires featured in the book as downloadable PDFs. See inside the book for more details.

section 1|18 pages


part A|385 pages

Body Functions

section 2|69 pages

Scales of consciousness and orientation

chapter |2 pages


section Section 1|26 pages

Scales measuring coma, vegetative and minimally conscious states

section Section 2|19 pages

Scales measuring delirium

section Section 3|20 pages

Scales measuring orientation and post-traumatic amnesia

section 3|91 pages

Scales of general cognitive functions

chapter |4 pages


chapter |5 pages

Cognitive Log (Cog-Log)

chapter |5 pages


chapter |5 pages

Test for Severe Impairment (TSI)

section 4|88 pages

Scales of specific cognitive functions

chapter |3 pages


section Section 1|9 pages

Scales measuring attention functions

section Section 2|16 pages

Scales assessing executive functions

chapter |5 pages

Executive Interview (EXIT25)

chapter |3 pages

Problem Solving Inventory (PSI)

section Section 3|16 pages

Scales assessing language functions

section Section 4|29 pages

Scales assessing memory functions

section Section 5|13 pages

Scales assessing self-awareness

section 5|74 pages

Scales assessing the regulation of behaviour, thought and emotion

chapter |2 pages


chapter |4 pages

Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS)

chapter |5 pages

Behavioral Dyscontrol Scale (BDS)

chapter |5 pages

Fatigue Impact Scale (FIS)

chapter |5 pages

Frontal Behavioral Inventory (FBI)

chapter |3 pages

Harmful Behaviours Scale (HBS)

chapter |4 pages

Overt Behaviour Scale (OBS)

section 6|59 pages

Scales of sensory, ingestion and motor functions

chapter |1 pages


section Section 1|16 pages

Scales assessing sensory functions

section 1.1|3 pages

Seeing functions

chapter |3 pages

Snellen Chart

section 1.2|2 pages

Hearing functions

chapter |2 pages

Whispered Voice Test (WVT)

section 1.3|2 pages

Smell functions

section 1.4|2 pages

Touch functions

section Section 2|3 pages

Scales assessing ingestion functions

chapter |3 pages

Bedside Swallowing Assessment (BSA)

section Section 3|36 pages

Scales assessing motor functions

section 3.1|2 pages

Muscle power functions

section 3.2|6 pages

Muscle tone functions

chapter |3 pages

Ashworth Scale (AS)

chapter |3 pages

Tardieu Scale (TS)

section 3.3|28 pages

Movement functions

chapter |5 pages

Berg Balance Scale (BBS)

chapter |6 pages

Motor Assessment Scale (MAS)

chapter |4 pages

Motricity Index (MI)

chapter |3 pages

Rivermead Mobility Index (RMI)

chapter |3 pages

Timed Gait Pattern Function Tests

part B|142 pages

Activities and Participation

section 7|71 pages

Scales assessing activities of daily living

chapter |2 pages


chapter |5 pages

Barthel Index (BI)

chapter |4 pages

Frenchay Activities Index (FAI)

section 8|68 pages

Scales assessing participation and social role

chapter |2 pages


chapter |4 pages

Community Outcome Scale (COS)

chapter |5 pages

London Handicap Scale (LHS)

part C|48 pages

Contextual Factors

section 9|46 pages

Scales of environmental factors

chapter |2 pages


chapter |4 pages

Care and Needs Scale (CANS)

chapter |4 pages

Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS)

chapter |4 pages

Social Support Survey (SSS)

chapter |4 pages

Supervision Rating Scale (SRS)

part D|84 pages

Multi-domain Scales

section 10|82 pages

Global, multidimensional and quality of life scales

chapter |2 pages


section Section 1|23 pages

Global scales

section Section 2|57 pages

Multidimensional and quality of life scales

chapter |10 pages

Short-Form 36 Health Survey (SF-36)