First published in 2004. This eight volume set is a compilation of writings of Museums and their development from the 1700 to 1900s. Volume 5 includes Volume 1 of Treasure of Art in Great Britain, an account of the Chief Collections of Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Illuminated MSS, by Dr Waagen of Berlin, on his visit to England in 1835.


Treasures of Art in Great Britain

chapter |4 pages

Letter I. *

Passage to London — First impressions of the Thames and the City — Arrival at the house of Mr. Edward Solly.

chapter |33 pages

Letter II.

chapter |35 pages

Letter III.

The British Museum.

chapter |22 pages

Letter IV.

chapter |41 pages

Letter V.

chapter |60 pages

Letter VI.

chapter |26 pages

Letter VII.

chapter |19 pages

Letter VIII.

chapter |74 pages

Letter IX.

chapter |44 pages

Letter X.

The National Gallery.

chapter |32 pages

Letter XI.

The Pictures of the English School in Marlborough House.

chapter |40 pages

Letter XII.