How does peripherality challenge methodology and theory-making? This book examines how the peripheral can be incorporated into ethnographic research, and reflects on what it means to be on the periphery – ontologically and epistemologically. Starting from the premise that clarity and fixity as ideals of modernity prevent us from approaching that which cannot be easily captured and framed into scientific boundaries, the book argues for remaining on the boundary between the known and the unknown in order to surpass this ethnographic limit. Peripheral Methodologies shows that peripherality is not only to be seen as a marginal condition, but rather as a form of theory-making and practice that incorporates reflexivity and experimentation. Instead of domesticating the peripheral, the authors engage in (and insist on) practicing expertise in reverse, unlearning their tools in order to integrate the empirical and analytical otherwise.

chapter |14 pages


Welcome to the corners of the peripheral

part I|46 pages

Suspension of clarity

chapter 1|14 pages

At the core, beyond reach

Sufism and words flying away in the field

chapter 2|14 pages

Shadows of meaning

Rethinking social dramas through absurdist theatre in a Georgian wedding

chapter 3|16 pages

‘This parenting lark’

Idiomatic ways of knowing and an epistemology of paying adequate attention

part II|52 pages


chapter 4|18 pages

Desiring the absence of knowledge

On knitting ethnography and navigating diaries

chapter 5|13 pages

Acquiring mētis in ceramic production

Patterned changes and peripheral participation

chapter 6|19 pages

Hammering on the edges

Thresholds of un-knowing in Santa Clara del Cobre, Mexico

part III|69 pages

Absence of knowledge

chapter 7|16 pages

Isomorphic articulations

Notes from collaborative film-work in an Afghan-Danish Film Collective

chapter 9|19 pages

Fooled into fieldwork

Epistemic detours of an accidental anthropologist

chapter |11 pages


Catching a glimpse of peripheral wisdom

chapter |6 pages


Notes on the peripheral, in a plague year