Sociology gives us the tools we need to understand our life and the lives of the people around us. It reveals that our commonsense view of the world isn't always right, and enables us to find out what actually shapes our experiences.

In this widely used and very readable introductory text, Judith Bessant and Rob Watts show us how to develop a sociological perspective on what is happening in Australia today. Rapid and far-reaching social changes are taking place which affect us all: globalisation is impacting on our economy and culture; technological developments increase the pace of life; and many people worry about the decline of traditional values and about environmental and personal security. Using a sociological perspective we can explain why different groups of people experience these changes as exciting, unsettling or devastating.

Sociology Australia is structured around six key questions:

* What is sociology?

* Who are we and how do we come to be who we are?

* How do we know the world in which we live?

* Can we make our lives as we want them?

* Who makes the decisions that shape our society?

* What changes are taking place in Australia today?

Sociology Australia is an ideal introduction to the discipline of sociology and to the dynamics of Australian society today. This third edition of Sociology Australia has been substantially revised and updated, and includes new chapters on religion, education and sustainability.

chapter |13 pages


part One|116 pages

What is Sociology?

chapter 1|25 pages

Sociology in an Age of Insecurity

chapter 2|16 pages

Reading Sociology

chapter 3|36 pages

Making Sense of Sociology

chapter 4|18 pages

Doing Sociology

chapter 5|19 pages

Ethics and Sociology

part Two|154 pages

Identity: Being Yourself, Being Australian

chapter 6|24 pages

Ourselves: Myself, Yourself

chapter 7|23 pages

Ourselves in Families

chapter 8|27 pages

Being Young: Age and Identity

chapter 9|26 pages

Sex in Australia

chapter 10|20 pages

Religion in Australia

part Three|197 pages

Globalisation, Australia and Social Change

chapter 12|26 pages

Australians at Work

chapter 13|21 pages

Confronting Class and Inequality

chapter 14|21 pages

Inequality in Australia

chapter 15|21 pages

Education in a Period of Crisis

chapter 16|28 pages

Health and Illness in an Unequal Society

chapter 17|28 pages

Crime, Deviance and Power

chapter 18|19 pages

Knowing the World: The Australian Media

chapter 19|24 pages


chapter 20|6 pages

Conclusion: Australia and Globalisation