In this substantial book, Gell guides the reader systematically through an analysis of the social structure, language and ritual of the Umedia-Punda connubium of the West Sepik district. One of the central areas explored is the ida fertitility ritual and the decipherment and the unravelling of symbolic relationships between words of similar construction. One one side is the anaylsis on the temporal sequence of events (or ritual roles) metamorphosing the casswary (nature) into the 'new man' (culture) and the on other side, the associated 'harmonic levels' which allude to body painting, choreography and social status. His approach substantiates the view that the ritual is not so much about the establishing of linear causality in the relationship between a society and its environment, but with the 'an act of poetic legislation over the course of nature'.

chapter 1|18 pages

The Umeda Setting

chapter 2|100 pages

The Social Structure of Umeda Village

chapter 3|37 pages

Language and Symbolism

chapter 4|53 pages

The Ida Fertility Ritual

chapter 5|138 pages

Analysis of the Ida Ritual