The pamphlets, newspaper articles and tracts in this collection provide source material for the study of the Anti-Corn Law campaigns of the 1830s and 1840s and their role in the formation of popular economics in Britain. Volume 5 covers entries from 1839 to 1842.

chapter |56 pages

Edward Baines Junior (1800–90) 1

chapter |24 pages

Reasons in Favour of Free Trade in And against a Fixed Duty.

In Three Letters to the Right Honourable Lord John Russell, Br Edward Baines, Jun. (From the Leede Mercury.)

chapter |73 pages


chapter |116 pages

The Corn Laws

chapter |37 pages

Artisans, Farmers, and Labourers.

chapter |18 pages

Corn Laws.

Speech in the House of Commons, Friday, April 3, 1840.