In this handbook, 60 authors, senior and junior educators, and researchers from six continents provide an overview of 200 years of landscape architectural education. They tell the stories of schools and people, of visions, and of experiments that constitute landscape architecture education heritage.

Through taking an international perspective, the handbook centers inclusivity with an appreciation for how education develops in different political and societal contexts. Part I introduces the field of education history research, including research approaches and international research exchange. Spanning more than 100 years, Parts II and III investigate and compare early and recent histories of landscape architecture education in different countries and schools. In Part IV, the book offers new perspectives for landscape architecture education. Education research presents a substantial opportunity for challenging studies to increase the pedagogic and didactic, the academic and historic, and the disciplinary knowledge basis.

Through a boundary-crossing approach, these studies about landscape architecture education provide a reference to teachers and students, policymakers, and administrators, who strive for innovative, holistic, and interdisciplinary practice.

part I|88 pages

Challenges and perspectives

chapter 3|15 pages

"A Thing in Movement"

Landscape history in professional curricula

chapter 4|9 pages

Tracing Discourses

Learning fron the past for future landscape architecture

chapter 7|9 pages

Joining Forces

Landscape architecture and education for sustainable development

part II|174 pages

Agendas and standards

chapter 11|8 pages

Chronicling Education History

Agendas and standards

chapter 13|14 pages

Landscape Gardening, Outdoor Art, and Landscape Architecture

The beginning of landscape architecture education in the United States, 1862-1920

chapter 14|8 pages

A Hundred Years of Landscape Architecture Education in Ås, Norway

The pioneering work of Olav Leif Moen

chapter 17|12 pages

'To Broaden the Outlook of Training'

The first landscape course in Manchester

chapter 18|11 pages

Landscape Architecture Education History in Portugal

The pioneering roles of Francisco Caldeira Cabral and Francisco Simões Margiochi

chapter 19|11 pages

Dutch Landscape Architecture Education in the First Half of the Twentieth Century

The pioneering roles of Hartogh Heys Van Zouteveen and Bijhouwer

chapter 20|13 pages

Early History of Landscape Architecture Education Initiatives in Romania

The pioneering work of Friedrich Rebhuhn

chapter 22|10 pages

Landscape Architectural Education in Hungary

The pioneering work of Béla Rerrich, Imre Ormos and Mihály Mőcsényi

chapter 24|10 pages

A Long, Yet Successful, Journey

One hundred and fourteen years to implement a landscape architecture programme in Austria, 1877–1991

part III|62 pages

Broadening the common ground

chapter 27|3 pages

Broadening the Common Ground

Education for the design of human environments

chapter 28|14 pages

Landscape Architecture Education in Italy

Fragmented patterns

chapter 29|11 pages

The Training of Landscape Architects in France

From the horticultural engineer to the landscape architect, 1876–2016

chapter 31|11 pages

Landscape Architecture Education in China

The pioneering work of Sun Xiaoxiang

chapter 32|9 pages

Landscape Design Education in Japan

The Meiji, Taisho, and Showa Periods

part IV|94 pages

Aiming for justice, reconciliation, and decolonization

chapter 33|3 pages

Innovating Education Policy

Justice, reconciliation, and decolonization

chapter 36|13 pages

Landscape @Lincoln

Place and context in the development of an antipodean landscape architecture programmme

chapter 37|12 pages

Learning to Practice Creatively

Emergent techniques in the climate emergency