This book reflects on the continuing expansion of extractive forms of capitalist development into new territories in Latin America, and the resistance movements that are trying to combat the ecological and social destruction that follows.

Latin American development models continue to prioritise extractivism: the intensive exploitation and exportation of nature in its primary commodity form. This constant expansion of the extractive frontier into new territories leads to forms of place-based resistance, negotiation and struggle in which competing territorial projects and claims are at stake. This book uncovers the underlying trends and dynamics of these ‘territorialities in dispute’, and the socio- ecological resistance movements that are emerging as marginalized communities struggle to reclaim their territorial rights and defend and protect their right of access to the global commons. A focus on territorialities in dispute renders visible the unsustainable expansion of extractivist territories and opens up new horizons to learn from these processes and to consider post-extractivist/post-development imaginings of another world and alternate futures – as well as the challenges to their realisation.

This book will be of interest to both students and researchers in the fields of international development, political ecology, critical geography, social anthropology as well as to activists engaged in socio-ecological/eco-territorial movements.

chapter |11 pages


part I|66 pages

The territorial dynamics of (neo)extractivism in Latin America

chapter 1|21 pages


From the roots and scope of a concept to the political horizons of its struggles

chapter 3|26 pages

The Amazon exposed in the Venezuelan Great Crisis (2013–2021)

The rise of an extractivism of hybrid governances

part II|90 pages

Territorialities in dispute and the dialectic of re-/de-colonializacion

part III|54 pages

Societal movements, territorial re-existences, and alternative horizons

chapter 8|21 pages

Politicizing prior public consultations

Notes on the re-existence of the Munduruku people and riverside communities against the construction of hydroelectrical plants in the Middle Tapajós region, Amazonia 1

chapter 9|15 pages

In defense of life

The existential politics of relating body and territory

chapter 10|16 pages

Sovereignty against extractivism

Re-centring decolonisation on Indigenous territorial struggles in Bolivia