This book proposes a new critical relationship between computation and architecture, developing a history and theory of representation in architecture to understand and unleash potential means to open up creativity in the field.

Historically, architecture has led to spatial representation. Today, computation has established new representational paradigms that can be compared to spatial representations, such as the revolution of perspective in the Renaissance. Architects now use software, robotics, and fabrication tools with very little understanding and participation in how these tools influence, revolutionize, and determine both architecture and its construction today. Why does the discipline of architecture not have a higher degree of authorship in the conception and development of computational technologies that define spatial representation? This book critically explores the relationship between history, theory, and cultural criticism. Lorenzo-Eiroa positions new understandings through parallel historical sections and theories of many revolutionary representational architecture canons displaced by conventional spatial projection. He identifies the architects, artists, mathematicians, and philosophers that were able to revolutionize their disciplines through the development of new technologies, new systems of representation, and new lenses to understand reality. This book frames the discussion by addressing new means to understand and expand architecture authorship in relation to the survey, information, representation, higher dimensional space, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence – in the pursuit of activating an architecture of information.

This will be important reading for upper-level students and researchers of architecture and architectural theory, especially those with a keen interest in computational design and robotic fabrication.

chapter |13 pages


Toward a Critical Multidimensional Artificial Intelligence: Displacing Bias in Data, Reference, Digital Signifiers, and Systems of Representation

chapter 2|10 pages

Brunelleschi's Parametric Analog Computational Interface

From a New Media Normalizing Visualization to Indexing, Displacing, and Innovating in Representation

chapter 4|27 pages

Borromini's Topological Model Displaced by Rainaldi's Ahistorical Synthesis

Architects Indexing, Displacing, and Innovating in Spatial Representation

chapter 6|53 pages

Computational Linguistic Semiotics

From Mathematics, to Computational Languages Grammar, to Machine Learning, to Signifieds in Natural Language Processing (NLP), to Emergent Programming

chapter 7|47 pages

Computational Visual Semiotics

Grammatology Displacing Signals, Signs and Digital Signifiers From Pixels to Point Clouds and Particles Activating Emergent Programming

chapter 9|29 pages

Expanding Dimensions in Spatial Reference and Representational Systems Toward a Multidimensional Architecture of Information

From Topology to Artificial Neural Networks, to Quantum Computing

chapter 10|24 pages

Computational Informational Semiotics

Signs and Signals in Machines to “Draw” and “Build” through Double Bind Adversarial Robotic Feedback Actualization

chapter 11|17 pages

Gaudi's Analog Computational Model as Parallel Processing

From Mathematical Modeling, to Big Data Survey, to Simulation, to AI

chapter 15|16 pages

Deconstructing the City Through New Signifiers

Simulation-Based Emergent Space-Environments

chapter 16|14 pages

Big Data Politics in Emergent Space Environments

Rezoning New York City through Big Data, AI, and Simulation

chapter 17|22 pages

Thermodynamic Blockchain Environmental Engine

Toward Post-Capitalist Universal Space-Environments

chapter 18|9 pages

Big Data Realism and AI Abstraction

Post-Colonial Emergent Histories in Augmented Synthetic Unreal Environments

chapter 19|19 pages

Big Data AI Simulacra Within a Representation Restricted Reality (RRR)

From Piranesi's Ahistoric Archeology, to an Urbanism of Information, to a Quantum “AI” Simulacra

chapter 20|21 pages


Expanding Authorship through an Ahistoric Critical Architecture of Information AI